India Bhutan Foundation

Terms of Reference

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I.   Introduction

This TOR is intended to provide guidelines and conditions for funding of projects by the India Bhutan Foundation.

II.  Background

The Royal Government of Bhutan (RGOB) and the Government of India (GOI) established the India Bhutan Foundation in August 2003 with the objective of enhancing exchange and interaction among the people of both countries through activities in the areas of educational, cultural, scientific and technical fields.

III.  Scope of the projects

a) The main scope of the project should be enhancing interaction, understanding and cooperation between the peoples of Bhutan and India. The thrust areas of activities are:

  • Education and Culture
  • Development Studies & Research
  • India- Bhutan relations
  • Science and Technology
  • Agricultural Research
  • Health
  • Technical Training
  • Research by school students on Indo Bhutan relations or any subject of mutual interest
  • Media studies

b)   Project proposals will need to essentially justify how it will contribute to the main objective of the Foundation mentioned above.

c)   Approval of funding for the project will be decided by the Board of Directors during one of its meeting.

d)   The Board has right to reject any proposal that it feels do not help achieving the objectives of the Foundation without assigning any reasons.

IV.  Application process

a)     Applications for funding should be made on a completed application form prescribed by the Foundation.

b)    Completed application can be submitted to the Secretary, India Bhutan Foundation, Embassy of India, Thimphu or the Royal Bhutanese Embassy, New Delhi.

c)   Applications for funding are welcomed from Indian/ Bhutanese citizens, non governmental organisations, institutions, academicians and other organizations.

d)     Project proposals should be requiring limited duration and funding.

e)     Successful application will be notified in writing by the Foundation.

f)      All applicants will be required to submit a Report within 30 days of the completion of the project.

g)     On acceptance of the proposal by the Board, the applicant has to sign a contract with the Foundation.

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Contact Us

Secretary, IBF Thimphu Secretariat
Embassy of India, Thimphu
Tel: 00975-2-322880
Fax: 00975-2-323195

Secretary, IBF New Delhi Secretariat
Royal Bhutanese Embassy
New Delhi
Tel: 91-11-26889230 / 9809 / 9807
Fax:91-11-26876710 / 24674664 / 24102231


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